Sacred Space - March 31st

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Have you ever thought about creating sacred space? I get it, right now it can seem like everyone is in someone’s space, give me my 6’ bubble – social distance!

I found myself last week outside our office building, I needed something to prep for live streaming, and some workers needed to get up on the roof to do some maintenance.  And the foreman kept coming closer and closer no matter how far I backed up.  That’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about creating for yourself a quiet space both in proximity and time in which you can be with God?

I love the time we have together in the mornings, this time we share.  I think that it’s great! But there’s nothing like my time with just me and God. I have to say that I kind of miss my routine of spending time with just me and God.

I usually go into the office around 8 am, and for the most part there isn’t anyone around, and most people don’t call at 8:05. But even if they did, they probably wouldn’t reach me.  I quietly go into the sanctuary, leave my phone in my office, shut the doors and take my tablet of music with me.  I spend time with God in worship and in prayer. Just Him and me.  I’m kind of missing that right now because, well, it’s not quite the same. Jesus talks about this, to some degree and Matthew records it in the Sermon on the Mount.

Matthew 6:5-6 (NIV) “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

This is something that our society does not do well.  I’ve noticed that often we fight to fill our days and nights with something that isn’t solitude, and I’m just as guilty as the next person with this.

But creating sacred space isn’t just about being quiet and still. It’s also about actively listening to God. Why is it that we seem to forget that prayer is not just talking to God, prayer is also about listening to what God says to our hearts. I get it, sometimes God speaks through others, sometimes it’s when we are reading His word and other times it’s when we simply sit in quiet and meditate on Him.

If you haven’t realized it yet, this journey we are all on – this life we live, is a life of change. I’m not just talking about the society and life around us.  I’m talking about the spiritual journey we are on. The spiritual journey should be a life that allows God to change us.

Now, there are moments that are full speed ahead – take that hill moments – moments where we are definitely not sitting still. But for the normal day, there needs to be a place to pause.  You need sacred space where you create an intentional place to pause, to just stop and be with God.

Take time today, to just be with God and ask yourself – and ask God – if you have truly searched after His heart.  Ask God if you have truly and honestly searched for His will to become your will.  Take time to ask God if He has the space that He wants and needs in your life, and wait for the answer expectantly.