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I want you to think about your life. Think about it for just a moment, take your time and think about the moments of life that have shaped you the most. How many of those times, the decisions that shaped you the most, came when you were at the end of your Rope?
What happened, did you cry out to God? That’s what happens often times when we find ourselves without any other possibility. This is what normally happens, when we come to the point of admitting our life is unmanageable. When we have exhausted all of our other possibilities we cry out. This is not a bad place to be, it’s uncomfortable yes – but bad no.
When we’re on the top of the world, when the system seems to work for us, when we have everything under control, what is there for God to do? Have you truly ever thought of crying out to God when everything is going great?
Often times, I’ve been guilty of saying, “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.” Nothing is further from the truth. If that were true, why would anyone need God? That’s it – now you’re getting where I’m going with this. You see, when everything falls apart, we remember the One who can put it all together because there are things that simply go beyond our abilities. And we cry out to Him.
That cry, truly is humanity admitting that we can’t do this on our own. And, it’s precisely the first step in redemption. It’s the beginning of becoming liberated from the power of canceled sin. Remember Jesus beat sin and death and hell and the grave – we today though can live bound to the power of canceled sin.
Go back to the beginning, yes back to the beginning again. I’ll give you the shortened version this time. Adam and Eve eat fruit – they disobey God. They are now East of Eden, banished from the perfect Garden. And, in one generation we move from willful disobedience to murder.
In Genesis, A few chapters down the road, the Bible tells us about Lamech. And the writer mentions that if Cain is avenged 7 times, then Lamech 77 times – that’s 11 times worse than before. A few more chapters and it gets so bad God regrets reating humanity. So what does God do, hits the reset button – flood – the animals, Noah and family are saved. God then makes a covenant with Noah and humanity to never wipe out the earth with water again.
But then just a few chapters later, all of the people get together to build a tower that they are convinced will make them live where the gods live. They are actually convinced they will become gods.
And it started with fruit, then murder and other debauchery, God resets and then the entire civilization is at odds with God. It’s the opposite of the Shalom. It’s the opposite of God’s plan. The sin that started in the Garden, now affects everything – all of humanity. It seems to grow and grow worse and worse.
Many generations pass, and the Hebrew Children find themselves enslaved in Egypt. It’s here that God hears their cries. They admit that this cannot Go on. So what does God do? He sends in a shepherd…well – OK – it’s Moses and Aaron. But let’s be real God’s answer does not immediately free His people. And it wasn’t immediately better for anyone. In fact everything gets much much worse before it even starts to get better.
Before Moses brought God’s demand to free the Israelites, they made a quota of bricks each day, with supplies from the kingdom. After Moses the quota goes up, oh, and get your own straw. In other words, supply yourself with materials to build this un-kingdom.
I say all of this to point out, that when we are ready to give up and turn everything over to God, Is when He shows up. When we are ready to admit that we can’t handle this part of the journey, that’s when God shows up, and we don’t always get the response we think we should or could or need.
Proverbs 3:1-6 (NIV) My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths.
That’s it – it’s that simple, trust in God.
Now – I want to explain something. Just because we trust God does not mean we throw common sense out the window.
There’s a meme on Facebook with Jesus knocking on a door, it’s the door with no door handle or knob. And underneath it the caption says, “Debbie, it’s me the Lord. Listen, you need to stop telling Facebook that your health is in my hands. You’re going to have to wash your hands and self isolate like everyone else ok?”
I use this because God gave us a sound mind. And sound reasoning says right now, WASH YOUR HANDS, respect social distances, and other healthy regulations and suggestions until this outbreak is over.
And remember – God loves us and cares for us. Maybe it’s time for you to submit this time to Him and for Him.