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Something that will help us all stay connected is to keep up the discussion on the Live Stream. Don’t forget to like, follow, and Share these devotions. And comment today where you’ve seen God lately, look for God sightings.
We’ve looked at many things throughout this set of devotions over the last couple of weeks. And today I want to talk about gathering together.
All across our country, places are re-opening up. And I want you to know that if you are in a place where church services are moving back into buildings, don’t let things just go back to the old normal. I’m not talking about social distancing. I’m talking about how when we have been forced out of our buildings we tend to be the church rather than simply go to church. Don’t just go to church. Remember what we’ve learned from this time, don’t waste the lessons we learned. We are fasting being together so that others stay healthy
And then for those of us who are still separated by isolated under stay home orders, we are not bowing to government because of them wanting to control religion. While it could come to the point of government telling us not to meet because of some political thing, or because they want to stop the Gospel from being preached. If it ever came to that then we should still meet just like they did in Acts chapter 5.
But that is not what this is at this moment. Right now we are isolating to keep the most vulnerable among us – or should I say the least of those among us – from getting sick. We are isolating out of compassion for others. And shouldn’t that be what’s at the center of the heart of the Church – COMPASSION?!?
I’m still preaching the only way to the Father, the only way of salvation from sin is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Facebook has not shut us down, Google hasn’t shut us down, YouTube hasn’t shut us down. The government has not shut me down. I’m still preaching the Good News of hope and there’s a big difference between those two situations.
Acts 2:42-47 (NIV) They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
When Luke encourages the readers not to neglect meeting together he was not describing what we typically think of in regards to our Sunday morning gatherings. Throughout the New Testament believers gathered in homes together smaller more interactive gatherings than our Sunday morning services.
Remember we talked about, as followers of Jesus we are not to live our faith solitarily. We live in community with each other, and we need other believers for encouragement. We need each other. We need others to encourage us and we need to be encouraging others.
Here in Washington State we are looking to move into phase 2 which allows small gatherings in your homes. What a great way to get together as the church, on a Sunday morning for a Watch Party to do church together in smaller groups in our homes, just like the Church in the Book of Acts.
As we gather with others, we need to risk being vulnerable. By sharing our struggles and challenges - contrary to modern thought – vulnerability is not a sign of weakness. All of us need at least one person in our lives that have walked down paths we are just beginning to take.
A new mother with a seasoned mother, or a person entering the pains of grief with one who has journeyed through the valley of grief. A person struggling to become free from pornography needs to be walking with one who has fought that battle and who is standing as an overcomer beside them. A person desiring to get in better shape, with a person who has undergone their own physical transformation. We need each other on this journey. The unity within the Body of Christ is so important, and we need that to be the Church God will work through to build His kingdom.