Re-Thinking the Church: Encouragement - April 27th

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Keep up the discussion – on the Live Stream. It’s a great way to contribute to all of our growth.   In Facebook let’s make our comments today reflect how are we growing in God’s grace today.  Let’s talk about what is it that God is teaching us? Let’s not waste this time, we have to learn something because God is always teaching us.

Don’t forget to check in @ Richland Church of the Nazarene - Like, follow, and share the live stream with your friends this morning. Maybe you have something from a previous devotion, or in your own Scripture reading that God is using to work  in you – share that with us – and by doing that you allow God to work through you.

Well – let’s move on with our devotions this morning.  Have you ever had someone who was just an encouragement to you? What did they do, what did they say that was an encouragement?

Philippians 1:12-14 (NIV) Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.  As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.  And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.

We know that Paul is writing from prison of some form – at least captivity of some kind we really aren’t certain what the particulars are.  But here he has laid down a foundation of encouragement. And as we are Rethinking the Church, it seems fitting that we look at what we can all do to help encourage each other.

I know that it’s really easy to get discouraged right now. Moms and Dads you’re now your child’s substitute teacher. Most of you are experiencing being home 24-7 with your new students. Everyone is so close to each other. If it’s not happening, it could be the COVID 15lbs you’ve gained because you walk by the fridge five or six times on your way to work in the living room. Just what everyone dreamt of right?

I say all of that to simply point out we can look at the circumstances we are in and go down a depressing road. Or – we can look for and be an encouragement for others.

In our passage today, Paul has been imprisoned for preaching the Gospel of Christ. He is in chains and we aren’t really sure if he’s imprisoned in a prison or if he’s chained under house arrest. But we need to remember that this is a time where being in chains was dangerous. This is a time where being in chains was victimizing, and where he experiences loss of control of his life. His future was literally in someone else’s hands.

Notice that didn’t stop him from proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus or testifying to what the Spirit of God can do in his life and in the lives of others around him.

It’s during this time not only can he see the positives for the Gospel of Christ, he’s being encouraged by the spreading of the Gospel. Here we see him going beyond that, beyond his own personal experiences and he’s being an encouragement to those who need it.

When was the last time you heard a testimony that was encouraging? Could you share that with us today, we could all use a bit of encouragement - especially today.